Saturday, February 16, 2008

Milford Sound

Milford Sound 3
Originally uploaded by jess.simms
After a hellish drive we arrived here at Milford Sound, perhaps one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen. We got here just before the clouds moved in and took over, living up to its reputation as the second rainiest place in the world.


Originally uploaded by jess.simms
This was on the side of the road when we were driving into CherryLand (Alexandra). Much has happened since then of course. Motstly cherries.... We just took a little road trip from the bottom of the South Island to the top and are now waiting for apple season to begin. Pete and Jessica's new career in fruit picking! Not the one we envisioned, but a fairly decent moneymaking venture nonetheless. At the moment we're in Motueka at a friend's house staying on mattresses with NZ's $20 bill on them. I'm drinking Tasman Bitter beer, listening to Spoon, eating a backyard-garnered blackberry gallette and desperately trying not to scratch my 109th sandfly bite. Oh boy.