Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Saturday, August 28, 2010


j, g&g
Originally uploaded by jess.simms
Today marks the beginning of the OC Adventure, replete with tanorexiaed women and men and where I may spend a fair amount of time LQTM-ing. Oh yes. A newer, cleverer name and details will ensue. Wish me luck. Photo: clue#1.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

man with the handmade birds

man with the handmade birds
Originally uploaded by my keds.
There is something so achingly beautiful about this. I remember I took about ten photos of this man, trying to capture him in all his essence and I just wasn't able to commandeer (as we often must do as photographers) all the deserved allure and pulchritude in a photo. But, this will have to do.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The compound view from my bedroom

On a more positive and beneficial note, I did enjoy a papaya boat on this very balcony with Harvey Keitel the likes-to-poop-behind-my-dresser (but-I-did-it-on-a-plastic-bag-this-time!) cat this morning. Boats, tea and rambutans pirated from the Valentines’ Day dinner fruit display compliments of the Hilton buffet last night. Breakfast is over and now, onto the essays.

What did I say? Or was it didn't?

What did I say?
Originally uploaded by jess.simms
I am now in the process of writing the THIRD grad school/PhD "please accept me and here's why" essay of 2010. Despite the logical conclusion, "hooray Jessica is finally going to grad school", none of these essays are for my own benefit. At least not the kind that will actually get yours truly into school. Someday I will write my own and feel less like this crocheted camel in the back of a pick up. But, not today. Kindly let me know if you would like to volunteer for this service as well.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

wish i could go

wish i could go
Originally uploaded by jess.simms
Realizing recently after a comment from my sister that I should remove the link to my blog from my email signature because it's been so long since I updated it, propelled me to arrive here today. More reasons why I am back:

1. Pete revealed that he enjoyed a friend's blog more than he ever did mine! How could he?
2. I have some extra time on my hands and can surely find time in my day to blog about the randomness that is my life.
3. It's been almost a year and my oh my how much has changed in that time.
4. I have a huge load of laundry to wash and would much rather write about it than do it.
5. I recently finished "Infidel" and want to encourage everyone to read it. It's incredibly powerful and thought-provoking.
6. I drank 3 cups of coffee this afternoon to caffeine-out my hangover and it has had the added effect of making my brain and thus fingertips whir.
7. I'm living in Salalah, Oman and the strangeness I see on a daily basis must be shared with someone other than the SCUBA boys who spend their evenings in the room of doom and gloom with their beloved television.
8. Ah, what the hell.