Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Nebyue, Ghi's nephew and an explanation

Originally uploaded by jess.simms

Ghion's family in Ethiopia...I suppose I should update this a little more often. This is a long story, actually a pretty amazing one and one worth telling. Gimme a few more days.Of course updating it would have to do with me not being a culture-shocked kid. Life has been uber out of touch in a way for me as of late, and I am not quite sure what to think of it. Any suggestions? I'm happy to hear them.

Q: Why don't elephants use cellular phones?
A: So the rest of the world won't know their plans.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Jessica,

Trying to catch up with that photo of Ghi on FB and happy to have landed on your blog. Great picture, by the way. I still am awe struck about how that all came to be.
As for culture shock, I can relate. But strangely when I fear I am most out of touch with the so called relevant world i am quickly corrected that I'm rather most grounded.
Be well and look forward to future bloggy updates!
I've got one I started as well
Cheers, Jessica