Friday, July 29, 2005
Sorry again about the logistical mistakes on the blog. I was advised to change my comments setting so that anyone, even those of you who aren.t on the blogwagon can comment. So I did. I didn.t bring my camera to the internet cafe so I can.t post any pictures, but I will try to do it soon. I have just been walking, walking, walking everywhere here. There are all sorts of little nooks and crannies on the streets. And one of the best things about this place is that all your food is served with lots of limes you can squeeze yourself, jalepeƱos and spicy salsa picante. it.s pretty fabulous. Happy birthday Kathryn and Jesse B!
Thursday, July 28, 2005
The kids and more
Yesterday I went into a rural part of San Miguel and taught English to a group of kids ages 4 to 12. This picture is of them We talked about Los animales que viven en el campo, the animals that live on the farm, their ages in Spanish and English and body parts. They are really cute little kids and ridiculously obedient and well-behaved. I think I will be teaching them every Wednesday, and working on reforestation efforts with high school kids 2 other days of the week, and working in the rural legal center the other days. Shanti and I are only speaking Spanish to one another and this seems to be helping. I still haven{tfiguredd out thisMexicann keyboard, which is why there are no apostrophes and there are 3 pictures of midland kids below, also why the picture of the river is the wrong way.Youu will all justhavee to bear with me however till I can learn more Spanish and learn the commands.Untill then, life is good. It has been raining here, but it is not cold.Beerr is dirt cheap, which is a real blessing. shanti andIi can both speak much better, fluidSpanishh when we have had a few drinks in us, and this is a beautiful little city.Moree soon.Ii don.t know how much longerIi can take gun.s n roses in this internet cafe.Sorryy.
on the bus from Guanajuato to San Miguel De Allende

Well, after sleeping less than an hour on the plane from LA, we got into Guadalajara at 6am, got our bags and ran to find a taxi driver that knew how to we had to get from the airport to the bus station in 15 minutes and it was half an hour away. we picked a good one and we got on our bus about 3 minutes before it left. the views from the bus were incredible to see when i was awake enough to look at them. The city of Guanajuato, after the city of Guadalajara, was very old and poor and the ride over to San Miguel was lush, lush, lush. so incredibly green and beautiful. i kept looking at the rivers to see what kind of a job i was in for to talk to kids about protecting their watershed. most rivers i saw were brown like this one and many had soap bubbles galore running in them. A little disappointing. But, our casita is very cute, our landlord is this crazy lady who kept on telling us that she could not believe the jetlag from LA to here, which is only 2 hours. But, she{s interesting and funny, and rent is pretty cheap and our bathroom is pink.
and we are off

i am trying to learn how to post pictures in spanish. it{s very difficult. also i have forgotten that the spanish keyboard is very different from an english one. you will have to bear with me. but, these are my midland friends. shanti and i had an 8 hour layover in la and kathryn and her boyfriend josh, irma and geoff came to pick us up and take us out to a disgusting chinese restaurant before we left. we had a great time, especially at the bar we went to afterwards.
Friday, July 22, 2005
2 days before i'm off
ok. i'm trying things out here on this new little blog. it's a little scary typing words that will be published on the internet. don't want to say anything stupid...
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