Well, after sleeping less than an hour on the plane from LA, we got into Guadalajara at 6am, got our bags and ran to find a taxi driver that knew how to drive..fast. we had to get from the airport to the bus station in 15 minutes and it was half an hour away. we picked a good one and we got on our bus about 3 minutes before it left. the views from the bus were incredible to see when i was awake enough to look at them. The city of Guanajuato, after the city of Guadalajara, was very old and poor and the ride over to San Miguel was lush, lush, lush. so incredibly green and beautiful. i kept looking at the rivers to see what kind of a job i was in for to talk to kids about protecting their watershed. most rivers i saw were brown like this one and many had soap bubbles galore running in them. A little disappointing. But, our casita is very cute, our landlord is this crazy lady who kept on telling us that she could not believe the jetlag from LA to here, which is only 2 hours. But, she{s interesting and funny, and rent is pretty cheap and our bathroom is pink.
1 comment:
Wassup Cuz glad to see you got this thing up and running sounds like mexico is awesome, we should put links to each others blogs. Any word on Peter? Keep em coming !!! Much love - the Z
P.S - oh yeah make it so anonymous people can comment otherwise youll get none !!
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